(Casual) Data Science for Doctors

Doctors who like statistics are a very rare breed. It’s a topic of horror for most in post-graduate exams, and the most we tend to use it in day to day life is through utterly misunderstanding the p-value and drawing useless pie charts on posters. But it really doesn’t have to be this way.

Healthcare is full of data, from the field-defining randomised controlled trial through to the mandatory yearly audit through to the humble ward jobs list. Manipulating, drawing inferences from, understanding, and visualising this data should be a core part of our jobs, but is shrouded in a mystique that it really doesn’t deserve but which scares doctors away. So I’m hoping here to present a roadmap that health professionals can take to get on board the data-driven evidence train and use data science in their everyday work.

Nick Plummer
Nick Plummer
Trainee anaesthestist intensivist, amateur data scientist, slow triathlete

Recovered geophysicist. Cares intensively, sciences data, and occasionally gives an anaesthetic.